Preliminary Reading

박찬국. 하이데거의 『존재와 시간』 읽기.

박찬국. 하이데거의 『존재와 시간』 강독.

하이데거. 형이상학 입문: 1935년 프라이부르크 대학에서의 강의

Phenomenology (SEP)

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) (SEP)

Editions Used


German English Korean cf.
Sein Being 존재
Seiendes entity/entities 존재자
Auslegung interpretation
Interpretation Interpretation
thematisch thematic; one which is taken seriously and studied in a systematic manner (탐구의) 주제
seiend; ein Seiendes that which is; something which is
verhalten comport; any kind of behavior or way of conducting oneself
durchsichtig transparent
eigentlich authentically
genuin; echt genuinely
zunächst most closely; proximally
faktisch factical; factically
tatsächlich factual
wirklich actual
Verfassung constitution; constitutive state; state
Historie historiology; science of history 역사학성
Geschichte history (that actually happens) 역사성
existenziell existentiell (cf. ontisch) 실존적
existenzial existential (cf. ontologisch) 실존론적
innerhalb der Welt within the world
in der Welt in the world
innerweltlich within-the-world
Alltäglichkeit everydayness
ontisch ontical (cf. entities) 존재적
ontologisch ontological (cf. Being) 존재론적
Temporality 시간성 (존재시성?)
Gr. phainomenon phenomenon 현상
semblance 가상
appearance 나타남
gewärtigen await (awaiting) 기대하다 (기대함)
erwarten (erwartung) expect (expecting) 예기하다 (예기함)

Related Materials

A Collection of Heidegger Books in English (

CourseHero - summaries, etc. (

/Latour, Bruno. On Technical Mediations.

/Derrida, J. On Reading Heidegger.

/테브나즈, 피에르. 현상학이란 무엇인가.

/이남인. 현상학과 해석학.
